.MORNING PRAYER in the Lady Chapel at 9am online on Wednesday and Friday. https://www.facebook.com/stoswaldsoswestry/
All welcome to this 20 minute time of prayer
The whole service may be read on the C of E page HERE
EVERY THURSDAY 10.30 Holy Communion (BCP) in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 10.30 worship is on the St Oswald's Oswestry YouTube page.
SUNDAY 19th January 2025
08.00 Holy Communion
President: Rev. Harvey Gibbons
10.10 Prayers in St. Catherine’s Chapel
10.30 Parish Eucharist with Baptism of
Jidechukwu Richmond Udemba
President: Rev. Keith Musson
Setting: Thorne - Mass of St. Thomas
Processional Hymn: 345
The Collect:
Almighty God, in Christ you make all things new: transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5
“As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.” Creation, like the bridegroom, looks forward to the fulfilment of God’s covenant promise.
Psalm: 36 vv 5-10
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
“No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” The Spirit within each of us is given for the common good, and each of us has our own unique attributes to enable us to serve.
Gradual Hymn: 443
Gospel John 2:1-11
Another wedding and another blessing - this time it is turning water into wine, poverty into riches, exclusion into embrace.
Baptism by Rev. Harvey Gibbons
For your prayers:
Family and friends of Jidechukwu Richmond Udemba being baptised in the service this morning
Those killed and injured by the ongoing hostilities in Gaza, Lebanon and the wider region, for all who in bereavement, disability and pain continue to suffer the consequences of the fighting, and for all working towards peace.
Those adversely affected by the recent cold and snowy weather, those working to help people in difficulty, and those working to keep climate change on the political agenda.
The victims of all forms of abuse especially children and young people and those working to keep them safe from harm.
The sick and everyone involved in the medical professions, especially those working for the NHS and in residential and care homes.
The families and friends of Frederick Samuels, Nigel King, Ann Douglas, Peggy Newnes, Thomas William Bowen, Jonathon Douglas Davies (Jon), Pauline Morgan, Peter Starbuck, Denzil Ellis and everyone who has recently been bereaved.
Offertory Hymn: 377
Communion Hymn: 274
Anthem: O taste and see - Vaughan Williams
The Post Communion Prayer:
God of glory, you nourish us with your Word who is the bread of life: fill us with your Holy Spirit that through us the light of your glory may shine in all the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Post Communion Hymn: 56 (omit v4)
Voluntary: March from the King’s Birthday Ode - William Boyce
18.30 Choral Evensong
President: Rev. Harvey Gibbons