.MORNING PRAYER in the Lady Chapel at 9am on Mondays and Tuesdays. It continues online on Wednesday to Friday.

All welcome to this 20 minute time of prayer

The whole service may be read on the C of E page HERE

EVERY THURSDAY   10.30 Holy Communion (BCP) in the Lady Chapel


Sunday 10.30 worship is on the St  Oswald's Oswestry YouTube page.

14th April 2024 Third Sunday of Easter

09.30 Holy Communion at Christ Church
President: Rev. Yin-An Chen
10.10 Prayers in St. Catherine’s Chapel
10.30 Parish Eucharist (St. Oswald’s Singers)

President: Rev Jassica Castillo-Burley
Setting: Shepard Addington Service
Processional Hymn: 443
The Collect:
Almighty Father, who in your great mercy
gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen
Lord: give us such knowledge of his presence
with us, that we may be strengthened and
sustained by his risen life and serve you
continually in righteousness and truth, through
Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and
reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one
God, now and for ever.
The Readings: Acts 3:12-19
After healing a lame man, Peter and John speak
at Solomon’s Portico. They ask the people why
they wonder at the healing and explain that it was
in the name of Jesus, whom God has glorified.
1 John 3:1-7
The Father has given us love, that we should be
called children of God, but the world does not
know us because the world did not know God.

Gradual Hymn: 121
Gospel Luke 24:36b-48
Jesus appears to his disciples after the
resurrection. They are terrified, but he reassures
them, telling them to stay in the city until they
receive power from on high.

Preacher: Rev Brian Thomas
For your prayers:
Those killed and injured by the ongoing hostilities
in Gaza and the wider region, for all who in
bereavement, disability and pain continue to suffer
the consequences of fighting and terror, for all
working towards peace.
People struggling to care for their families due to
the cost-of-living crisis, those worried about the
cost of energy and those who are working to help
people in need.
The sick and everyone involved in the medical
professions, especially those working for the NHS
and in residential and care homes.
The families and friends of Eileen Limbrey,
Kenneth Royston Jones, Geoffrey Phillips, Phyllis
Monica Corbett, Margaret Pugh, David Adams,
Leslie David Edwards, Dilys Morris, Edwin Case,
and everyone who has recently been bereaved.
Offertory Hymn: 106
Communion Hymn: 353
Anthem: Now the green blade riseth - Old
French Melody

The Post Communion Prayer:
Living God, your Son made himself known to his
disciples in the breaking of bread: open the eyes
of our faith, that we may see him in all his
redeeming work; who is alive and reigns, now
and for ever.
Recessional Hymn: 362

Voluntary: Trumpet Tune: David N. Johnson

This Evening
17.30 We think in Question Time

What did Jesus Learn from the
Samaritan Woman?
President: Rev. Keith Musson
Next Sunday 21st (Fourth Sunday of Easter)
08.00 Holy Communion
10.30 Parish Eucharist
18.30 Choral Evensong (Choral Scholars &

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